Headshot of developer, Gerard Juan

About Me

Hey there! My name is Gerard and as a front-end web developer, I create responsive and accessible websites tailored to clients' specific needs using my skills in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and React. With 3 years of experience working as a physiotherapist, I bring to the tech industry my soft skills, creativity, and problem-solving abilities that I developed during that time.

When I'm not busy coding, you'll likely find me at a concert, running along Lake Shore in the hopes of finally completing a marathon, or on the couch as I watch the 8th straight episode of whatever series I'm binging!


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Sass
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • firebase Firebase
  • GitHub
  • Accessibility


Earthquake Detection Program

HTML, Sass, REACT, REST API, Leaflet

Single-page application tracking earthquakes over the last 24 hours, using the USGS API. Includes an interactive map with markers displaying the location of each earthquake. Made in collaboration with Gagandeep Guru, Jess Shi, and Kim Montgomery

Random Workout Generator

HTML, Sass, VanillaJS, REST API

Allows a user to randomly generate a workout with the option to filter for muscle group. Uses the wger Workout Manager API.


HTML, Sass

Photoshop design conversion of an e-commerce website, complete with full responsiveness for mobile users.

Get in touch!

I am currently available for work. Please feel free to connect with me or send me an email!